Home > Event > LYRIKAL ART by Kamitan Arts
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Date(s) - 05/02/2019 - 23/05/2019
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm


(Poetry 4 Grenfell project coordinators)

Project Details:

A space where Art meets Poetry and sometimes even movement, while Live Music is being played to relax and inspire throughout.

Using these creative outlets as a means of expressing oneself where each discipline becomes an inspiration and stimuli for the other.

Introducing a new piece each week, whether it be a ‘lyrik’ or piece of art that will be observed, discussed, and used as inspiration to create.

With a local Rap-Poetess/Choreographer and guest artists with different techniques to offer you, as well as musicians on rotation,
to inspire the rapper, poet, artist or dancer in you!

To Register: ka.1@hotmail.co.uk


Venue and Date Details:

Lyrikal Art is running for 12 weeks**

Tuesday (Age: 8-12) 5-6:30pm

Thursday (Age: 12-21*) 5-6:30pm

Beginning: Tuesday 5th February 2019

Tuesdays @ The Harrow Club, 187 Freston Rd. London W10 6TH

Thursdays @ Octavia’s The Reed, 28 Convent Gardens, London W11 1NH

*Upto 25 with a disability

**excluding school holidays and half-terms below
Easter Break Dates – 9th, 11th, 16th, 18th 23rd, 25th April

#KamitanArts #LyrikalArt

#HarrowYouthClubW10 #OctaviaFoundation #Poetry4Grenfell #RBKCCulture #WestwayCommunityGrants